Oddworld click up here to be redirected to the home page. Lol

Welcome to my [[Salesman1997 Nation]]!

[[ Creation Myth ]] ON [[ Insert date here: ]], Salesman1997 IS [[ Of the People, by the People, for the People ]]! AFT3R THE [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glorious_Revolution ]], Salesman1997 BECAME B1GGER THAN EVER!


Wisea: [[ Erm... ]], [[ Status: Complicated ]]. W4R, [[ Woke Cancel Culture ]], Etc. BBUT, [[ On sale now! 50% off your next order with code ]] !! Wisea [[ ...Is alright, I guess... " ]]! IN [[ Otras Parables ]]: , [[ We're so back ]]

Southvis: WE [[ Likey :) ]] $OUTHVI$! [[ Freedom, freedom freedom! ]], [[ High infant mortality; ]], WHAT ISN"T THERE TO [[ In, Joy ]]? TH3Y [[ Renazification ]] W1TH Wisea, THOUGH [[ /neg ]].

NBCLand: [[ -_- ]], WE H4VE [[ 0 problemas! ]] WITH [[ NBCLand Nation ]]. BUT TH3Y [[ No Deals ]], [[ Very confusing! Many such cases! ]]

Why I like spamton so much

You may be wondering why I adore spamton so much. This is a valid question and there's multiple reasons for it


Spamton is just an average guy at first. He's a struggling car salesman. But he comes in contact with WD Gaster, a force beyond anyone's understanding (as of now anyway). He makes the essential faustian bargain: Success for his (metaphorical, not literal in Deltarune) soul. He's ultimately randomly left behind by his former benefactor, being cut off from the source of his deal$ and becoming impotent. There's something about tinkering with such massive, hard to comprehend forces and ultimately paying the price for it that I find fascinating. He's the man that knew too much


Spamton loves freedom. It primarily motivates everything. He's lived his life completely out of control. He essentally feels like he's been nothing more than a puppet his entire life, completely unable to meaningfully change anything. Under the silly antics and funny phrasings, there's a deep longing for freedom and independence. It obviously mirrors the condition of Kris, but I find spamton's journey compelling in a different way. The exchange between spamton and kris after the NEO fight in particular resonates pretty well on this theme


He's a funny fella there's not much else to it lol