Oddworld click up here to be redirected to the home page. Lol

Gay gay gay bear ! i spport transgender individuals too they valid

Basically I just think boys are cute especially the twinkish ones ^.^ because I am like. the total opposite lol I look like a trucker in his mid-30s

I have bad thoughts :333


Alex asked to be added her too lol

Why any of this shit matters

I'm generally speaking pretty freedom-loving. It's a value I think that really guides my beliefs. Being a southerner that moved up north into a fairly conservative area definitely influences this; I've always been a bit different and liked that

It shouldn't matter how uncomfortable something makes other people as long as you aren't hurting them or anyone else. You can walk someone like a dog out in public and it should be fine, so long as that person consented to having a leash around their neck and they have a reasonable amount of clothes on. I fully believe in people doing as they wish, so long as they don't harm anyone. And no harm is done by LGBT people happily going about their business; if anything, stopping them from experiencing that is the harmful position. Honoring our rights is just one step towards a truly open society

When societies are near their decline, they tend to look a bit inward. They single out problems and attempt to purge them. America is definitely in decline; this much is obvious. We can't even win proxy wars anymore, we don't command that much of a presence. The end of the empire is nearing, and many Americans believe that the end-times are near. They see the recognition of our basic human rights as signs of the collapse of everything, as the blaring of the trumpet and the opening of the seventh seal. The sudden focus on anti-LGBT rhetoric from the right wing of this country is a sign of this decline to me. They view the collapsing family that is really caused by the economics of our time as the fault of innocent people just tryna live their lives and being put through the same shit as themselves. If we continue down this path, civil war or total collapse is the only real future. I'd like to think we'll arise from the ashes as a phoenix, but that's not a comforting thought to end things on