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Oldtime Religion



Flag Blues

Blue Light


" I know somethin you'd never believe... "

Whisked into a red room, eyes wide

with orange sunshine, wandering around the scene:

Kabuki-boys in a 5 pointed hokum dancing a rag

amongst royal drag and rubbermen between -

Go-go cages and cabaret fashions, what a dream!

He'd had one on the rocks, just shy of absinthe green.

Modern Sporus adorned in garb so bright,

a true haberdasher's delight!

From left to right was naught but neon blight.

He looked down at the boy, illfitted pants tight

and two roses and lips the same, buds caught under deep shade;

The face aflame as he told a name, hands slithering past taut blockade

and roaming into the garden.

I'm also gonna include some commentary on my writing sometimes, deal with it nerd. This one was very loosely inspired by my grandpa talking about fucking around in florida while he was really high on LSD back in the day

Oldtime Religion

Mass is at eight

and I've yet to clear what's on my plate -

" Its been a long time comin... "

I try to keep my mind straight;

I still can't finish what I've ate -

" Its been a long time comin... "

I rush out with my Sunday vest. It's hard to find

when something else is on the mind -

" Its been a long time comin... "

I've tried and tried, my thoughts grind

to a halt when its us intertwined -

" Its been a long time comin... "

I'm in the cathedral, I'm sitting in the pew

and I still think of you -

" Its been a long time comin... "

Sugary, honeyed thoughts sweet as dew

in my view -

" Its been a long time comin... "

I sat and prayed,

I prayed to be freed - born again, newly made -

" Its been a long time comin... "

I've sat, I've stayed; my old book's frayed

and worn - I'm torn til hands rest upon your braids -

" Its been a long time comin... "

I left the row. I talked to the father

and questioned why we bother -

" Its been a long time comin... "

I talked to the father

and he talked to a bother -

" Its been a long time comin... "

I went back home. I took a good look at my plate;

it looked better than today at eight -

" Its been a long time comin... "

My cup runs over, I washed the specks from eight

and now I appreciate my plate -

" Its been a long time comin... "


In flowered fields,

across the dandelion-tipped sea

is me. I am under the swaying magnolia tree,

wondering how I've feeled these years

under its shade. Daisies pushing up

and green sprawling over my legs,

greedily sucking my nature's dregs

and it's never enough.

I smile and wave and

and I talk and I throw the line

but it never goes past I'm fine

until the grave.

Will anyone be there?

Will they leave me roses,

sniff them long with their hateful noses?

Will anyone care?

The canopy does not stop the heat any longer.

The scent sickens,

an odor thickened ad nauseam

and you were there,

sitting on the side -

you saw, and you

to your course kept true -

as I cried.

I've chewed lillies of the valley,

a goat to slaughter for years -

in spite of tears, you've turned your ears

from me.

The weeds are climbing, climbing to the summit

and I can't see through,

I'll never get to it

before I plummet


What is love? A question old as time,

yet none can define what it is. No melodious rhyme,

no cord strung just right can explain

what men's hearts contain. None of the Book may ordain

the workings of the soul.

Their trying's but a droplet in the bowl;

well-intented as it may be,they mislead with their decrees.

The watched pot never boils:

the labor of love is toils upon toils, troubles every day; yet still we stay.

I may ask why until the day I die, when love's gone with me: old and grey, sighing it away.

I ask why, o why, do we love? Why love at all when doom's due to fall? When your affections are on pall,

what's the use in carrying on? No one understands,

no one truly can, they've got full hands;

what are your struggles to them but trimmings to hem?

But, when you find that flower, its sweet nectar you may devour;

we languish in its light, grabbing to its vestiges tight.

To be cherished by someone, to be valued

is to live true! What makes all others worth going through

is love. Lonesomeness is decay; fondness alone moves death out its way.

Flag blues

For those whose hearts bleed red and blue,

whose souls are poor and weary, living off of rags

nothing disgusts like that rebel flag.

Borne by traitors, usurpers to the true

name our people wore, they hauled their carpet bags

after trouncing that rebel flag.

They forgot this truth, crunched up through

cruel hands: Shake one side of a boat and the other snags,

especially when weighted with that rebel flag.

Freedmen's right ignored, too

long they've lived with skin charred with crags

under dominion of the so-called rebel's flag.

A deprivation of the spirit grew

and was never forced from that land, forevermore it drags

it's people towards the rebel flag.

For the tired, the needy, the men who

have been forced through the processes it lags,

they know the meaning of that rebel's flag.

Citizens, beware the few

that bare such a treasonous tag.

They hold in disrepute all that's true, all to fly the rebel's flag.

The huddled masses come to you,

the countrymen whose fingers don't wag

at those rejected by the rebel flag.

Neo-condeferates are evil monkeys pretty much lol, I'm a dixieboy by where I was raised but a proud unionist in spirit


Bathed in white, remaining light window-bound

that vague blue dried my eye, yet quenches a thrist its own.

It's dark. I stare and it is not much different outside. Never is.

My friends say hi, they get the same reply

time and time again. I wonder why?

What has been will be, my status quo hasn't a change

yet it all feels so strange. What's to try? I don't know.

My halls stay empty, panopticon with it's blinds drawn

I am lonely. That's the takeaway here

work in progress!! might be a while until finished

From the shores of Shawmut

to the horn of northern Maine, slithering south

to Annapolis, Baltimore, then west

to Pennsyltucky, Appalachian huts

and New York's ever-running mouth