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Why I love Deltarune

Deltarune is basically everything I loved about Undertale but explored in a more developed way. Undertale, on its own, is an excellent experience and a truly fantastic game. It's an innovative game that has stuck with me for years. Deltarune, in two chapters, has surpassed Undertale in many ways to me. The actual gameplay of Deltarune is a lot more engaging; it's clear that Undertale was Toby's first experience with developing a game of that scale. Deltarune has a similar style, but I think it's a bit more expansive. The things praised most about Undertale ( the music, the humor, the plotlines, etc. ) are all maintained and elaborated on. Deltarune is its own product, but is definitely enhanced by having experienced undertale

I absolutely adore the characters of deltarune. They all have their own unique lil quirks that are fun to pick apart, which is one of the game's biggest strengths. A lot of stories set up great lore and then have boring characters. They do some great worldbuildig, and then they have the least interesting inhabitants in that world (many sci-fi and fantasy stories fall into this trap; Deltarune arguably has elements of both, especially fantasy). Even deltarune's side characters are entertaining, and the more developed characters have unique traits and complex motives that I find interesting. Some of these characters might get their own pages eventually if I'm being honest